Турин политехника университети ҳузурида техника фанлари бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) ва фан доктори (DSc) илмий даражасини берувчи илмий кенгаш ўз фаолиятини бошлади.

ЎзР Вазирлар Маҳкамаси ҳузуридаги Олий Аттестация Комиссиясининг 2022 йил 1 февралдаги 29-сонли қарорига асосан Тошкент шаҳридаги Турин Политехника университетида техника фанлари бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) ва фан доктори (DSc) илмий даражасини берувчи илмий кенгаш ташкил этилди.

Илмий кенгашда қуйидаги ихтисосликлар бўйича диссертациялар ҳимоя қилинади:

05.08.06 - «Ғилдиракли ва гусеницали машиналар ва уларни ишлатиш»;

05.01.08 - «Технологик жараёнлар ва ишлаб чиқаришларни автоматлаштириш ва бошқариш»;

05.09.01 - «Қурилиш конструкциялари, бино ва иншоотлар».

Ушбу қарорга кўра Турин Политехника университети ҳузуридаги илмий кенгашнинг 17 кишидан иборат таркиби тасдиқланди. Кенгаш раиси этиб техника фанлари доктори, университетнинг ректори Иноятходжаев Жамшид Шухратуллаевич тайинланди.

Мазкур илмий кенгаш таркиби энг ёш олимлардан ташкил топган бўлиб, 9 нафари техника фанлари доктори, 8 нафари PhD. Ушбу кенгаш аъзоларнинг кўпчилиги хорижда илмий ишини ҳимоя қилган, шунингдек, кенгаш таркибига Италиялик профессор жалб қилинган.

Online Education

In order to improve the quality of online education in our country and create an environment for online communication between teachers and students, an innovative online learning platform has been created in a user-friendly format. There are no redundant functions in the system, the system automatically generates lesson schedules, student performance indicators, attendance reports, diploma applications for the university administration to automatically manage the educational process. Very important functions for transparent exams are also integrated into the system, all student movements are tracked automatically through video surveillance and a microphone, if there is an attempt by a student to copy or deceive, then the videos are displayed in the system.

With this platform, students can attend online classes on the TAS-IX network, even if they do not have access to the global Internet. The online learning platform is very well designed in terms of security, allowing only registered students to participate in the subject, allowing teachers to control the active participation of students in lessons. The platform can be connected via a web interface (without additional software) using a computer, phone, tablet. Lessons taken on the platform are automatically recorded and students who fail to master them during the course will be able to review them at any time.

The main thing is that the introduction of this platform will save the speed and cost of the global Internet by exchanging data via the TAS-IX network for the online education system introduced in the country.

Poster Day

In the exhibition held in the library of our university, PhD students presented their scientific work to their colleagues, professors, students and staff of the university. The scientific works were evaluated by members of the jury. This exhibition was a great opportunity for anyone interested in Mechanical and Civil Engineering to learn more.

Taking into account the incredible success of the Poster Day, we are planning to hold similar scientific exhibitions at our university on a quarterly basis.

Winter Break (Extended)

For the SEAD (Software Engineering/Architecture and Design) the winter break is extended from January 10th to January 24th. The study will continue on January 24th. Italian tracks please be patient, we will update you very soon.

1st Academic Council Meeting

Date: January 7, 2022Time: 10.00Location: B1 New Building